********WE NOW SALE Automated External Defibrillators (AED)******* 

Arkansas Health and Safety Training, LLC. is now capable of providing high-performing Automated External Difibrillators, also known as AED's, for purchasing.  If your company or yourself as a person would like to talk about models, pricing and training on AED's please reach out to us at 479-310-5509 or email ArikansasHealthandSafetyTraining@yahoo.com.  This single piece of equipment can make the difference of life or death in many emergency situations.  They are very important to have on hand and use during cardiac emergencies and can save a person's life.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 



are you ready to save a life?

Arkansas Health & Safety Training

60 Southwood St

West Fork, 72774

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